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Put That Coffee Down And Listen: An Alternative Way To Find Focus

When it comes to finding focus or the attention needed to get deep into an activity, many of us reach for our favorite caffeine source or a sugary snack as an aid.  Similarly, if you've ever had a hard time falling asleep, you might try some chamomile tea or even a sleeping pill.  In either of these situations, what we are really want is get in the moment, to be present in what we are doing, to be where we are.

In my quest for greater mindfulness, I turned to Spotify for some guided meditations, and found something there called Damn Good Neurotherapy, a guided audio program that combines hypnosis, meditation, and brain wave frequencies. According to the site, changing your brainwave patterns can help you address symptoms of depression, insomnia, and ADD. For example, listening to these sessions which are essentially a mix of guided meditation over a distinct white noise, or in some cases just the white noise, can increase delta brain waves, which are common in states of relaxation and reduced anxiety.

Lately, when I need to buckle down on a project, I put on my headphones and listen to Kristine Kreska's "Creativity Caffeine" or "Comprehensive Learning & Memory". But does it actually work? Go to Spotify and try it for yourself, then let us know what you experience in the comments below.


Deirdre Lizio is a Brooklyn resident working in catastrophic risk management. She is enthusiastic about healthy living, whales, and hip hop music.

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