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Brave In Waiting

I can tell that you're circling the entrance of that dark place. That creative cavern that so many so desperately search for. That deep abyss where the light of the entrance is quickly lost and you will likely emerged changed. Where every idea is amplified and no one will find you. And you prefer it that way. And I will wait. And I am nervous. And I am envious. But mostly, I am here.

Embrace the darkness and gather its lessons. Lose yourself in its seductive crevices while the hours of day and night blur beyond you. Dig deep in its offering and practice seeing deeply and feeling wholly.

Share your stories through your work. Bring us close so we can know the existence of that beautiful emptiness. That unadulterated magic in caves we can't find, or won't make time for or are afraid to step in to. But please know that I am here. I will not wake you or call your name. But please don't leave me here for long.


Ashley Ball is currently a designer at POSSIBLE. She is also a wife, band groupie, urban explorer and maker living in Seattle, Washington. 

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