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Do Your Mind And Body Good: Get Footloose!

“Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.” - Dave Barry

Dance is a powerful concoction of rhythm and movement that captures your soul, mind, and body. At one time or another, we all become slaves to its power. Dance is an equal opportunist; a gift of free expression that gives your brain and body some feel good exercise. You can chair dance or you can do your own version of a Risky Business dance, whatever your flavor, have some fun, clear your mind and relieve stress.

Dance it Off

For me, dance is an escape, a respite from the demands of life as a solopreneur. We all have those moments in the day when the afternoon slump hits, synapses aren’t connecting as fast as we’d like or perhaps just the idea of looking at another invoice or spreadsheet makes you want to scream. Take a dance break! Load up on the feel good hormones that dance affords you rather than reaching for another cup of java. Whether I’m at home jamming to Taylor Swift or getting my salsa dance fix at a club, dancing frees my mind and keeps me in the present so that I can release the compulsion to fixate on deadlines or unpaid invoices.

Dance is Freedom

Don’t think you have what it takes? Feel free to translate how melodies, lyrics, and beats speak to you and just let our body go with it; express what you feel, express what moves you. Don’t for a second let yourself care what people think, your neighbors shouldn’t spy on you anyway. In the famous words of Ms. Swift, “Shake it off!” Besides, even just a bit of dance cardio will increase circulation thereby getting more blood to your noggin, which can clear the way for more creative energy!

“Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody is watching.” - Mark Twain 

Dance is Brain Food

Cutting loose with some dance is a surefire way to add fun ingenuity to your workday. You’ll get even more brain juice learning choreographed dance steps because repetitive dance moves create muscle memory that improves cognitive function. Studies also show that dancing is good medicine that can thwart dementia. There are countless “learn to dance for free” videos online, and you could always sign up for that dance lesson you’ve been putting off for like, ever. No judgment.

There will always be something to analyze, contemplate, fix, or schedule but rather than try to get ‘er all done when your brain and body are screaming for a break, crank up some tunes and let the beat grab you. Don’t contain it, let loose and dance!


Jaszy McAllister is a bad-ass project manager, writer, actor, model and speaker. She’s on mission to empower business owners, artists and organizations to grow with purpose and integrity.

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