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3 Journal Prompts to Unleash Your Creativity

3 Journal Prompts to Unleash Your Creativity

In a world with endless information at our fingertips, it can feel challenging to be original — to do things that are truly different, to be one-of-a-kind. 

In this month’s Creativity Guide, we share the research of Adam Grant, author of Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World

Grant writes that the people who champion originality are the ones who propel the world forward. But originals are not so different from conformists, he argues. They feel the same fears and doubts, but instead of succumbing to these thought patterns, they explore and take action on them. 

Below are three ways Grant suggests we can increase our own originality, each with a corresponding prompt from this month’s guide for you to reflect on (I’ve added links so you can journal your answers in (our new journaling platform), if you’d like!). 

1. Question the default. Ask why things are done the way they are, and see what happens when you take the road less travelled.

     In what ways have you challenged the default option or chosen a different route? Journal your response →

    2. Broaden your interests. With a wide range of interests, you have more places to find inspiration and make connections to build new paths.

    What are three of your interests and how do you explore them? Journal your response → 

    3. Procrastinate on purpose. Grant says, “Once a task is finished, we stop thinking about it. But when it is interrupted and left undone, it stays active in our minds.” While it may feel counterintuitive, this ‘incubation period’ is typically when our subconscious connects the dots, allowing entirely new ideas to take shape. 

    What projects are you working on that could benefit from this form of purposeful procrastination? Journal your response →

    To embracing your inner original and unlocking creativity in your life,

    Mike Radparvar
    Co-Founder, Holstee

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