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Start With Living Mindfully

Wayne Dyer wisely said, “Our intention creates our reality.” So if your reality isn’t satisfying at the moment or doesn’t quite match up to what you thought it would be, take a second look at your goals.  

Living with intention can mean so many different things. It can mean actively practicing mindful relationships, volunteering to make your community a better place to live, choosing to work for an organization or company that has a mission that resonates with you, taking care of your body and even lighting a candle while you’re writing.

Intention also takes commitment. It's not necessarily something we’re born with; it takes time to cultivate.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

If you’re frazzled at the end of a long day and feel like you’re always looking at a long to-do list at work and at home, then setting the intention of at least one hour to yourself each day can seem difficult at first, nearly impossible. But it can also mean the difference between coming apart at the seams, and having enough energy to meet everything and everyone with equal attention.

The thing about intention is that it’s not a goal. In the Western world, we are very caught up in the game of competition and goals. While competition can be fun and healthy, it’s also easy to get swept into the so-called rat race of life. If you’re only focused on reaching a goal, it can sometimes lead you astray from what you're really trying to accomplish.

Take time to go through different aspects of your life and your approach toward each. What is your hope within your relationships, community, work, etc.?

Once you begin, it’s easy to make the switch. It’s like a snowball on top of a mountain. It may start out small and slow, but by actively practicing intention each day in all aspects of life, you will gain traction and  become larger and larger with less effort over time.


Kate Goyette has an MBA in Sustainable Enterprise, works as a program officer for the Corporation for National and Community Service, has volunteered far and wide, and loves hiking, biking and meditating her way through the world.

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