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A new kind of Manifesto.

A new kind of Manifesto.

I made the art that went out to members this month for our monthly theme of Compassion.

It's actually a poem I wrote a few years ago while living in Brooklyn. It came to me when I was washing dishes late one night. I remember it exactly. It started as a few lines in my head, then one after another each line hit me.

When I finished in the kitchen, I walked over to my notepad and wrote it all out. I knew it was a powerful reminder that I needed to keep front of mind.

A simple reminder that we are enough.

A few days ago, my Print Membership with the Compassion Art and Guide arrived. As soon as my wife, Jess, opened it, she pointed out the contrast between this message and the Manifesto we wrote 10 years ago.

The Holstee Manifesto is a lot about striving — about doing (and not doing) in order to make the most of our lives.

This is a different message.

This is a message of liberation. Liberation from labels and expectations — everyone else's but also our own.

It’s a message of acceptance. Not of who we think we are (our egos) but who we are deep inside. The part so deep inside we don't have the words for it — “soul” and “consciousness” only scratch the surface. It’s about accepting that nebulous thought, and finding comfort and perhaps even bliss in it.

And lastly it's permission. Permission to love who you are free of judgement. Permission to be content in this moment.

If you haven't seen it yet, here is a photo of me with this month’s print:

Your Are Enough

I hope you find it a worthy and timely reminder in your life.

Sending love and compassion,

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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