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Black Mirror.

I know, I know… “If you don’t have enough time stop watching TV.”

But I would be missing something if in all these emails on influences that have changed my perspective, I didn’t mention Black Mirror.

This British science fiction series, picked up by Netflix, is a collection of stand-alone episodes on how technology could impact how we live.

It’s creative, shockingly relatable, and more than anything, thought-provoking.

I have only seen a few episodes, the ones recommended to me by friends. In my opinion, these deserve a watch and a conversation:

“San Junipero” (Series 3, Episode 4)

"Nosedive" (Series 3, Episode 1)

"The Entire History of You" (Series 1, Episode 3)

I don’t want to say anything else, for fear of spoiling the suspense in each story. But I think you will like them — or at the very least appreciate them as social commentary on modern-day society and where it might be headed.

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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