Keep compassion front of mind with these desktop and mobile wallpapers!  

Desktop Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Drag it to a folder on your desktop, right-click the image, and set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Compassion Art Download

Mobile Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Save it to your camera roll, set it as your lock screen, and keep Compassion front of mind while you are on the move.

Compassion Art Mobile

Desktop Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Drag it to a folder on your desktop, right-click the image, and set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Compassion Art Download

Mobile Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Save it to your camera roll, set it as your lock screen, and keep Compassion front of mind while you are on the move.

Compassion Art Mobile

Desktop Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Drag it to a folder on your desktop, right-click the image, and set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Mobile Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Save it to your camera roll, set it as your lock screen, and keep Compassion front of mind while you are on the move.

2020 Compassion Art Mobile

Desktop Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Drag it to a folder on your desktop, right-click the image, and set it as your desktop wallpaper.

2019 Compassion Art Desktop Wallpaper


Mobile Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Save it to your camera roll, set it as your lock screen, and keep Compassion front of mind while you are on the move.

2019 Compassion Art Mobile Wallpaper


Looking for 2018 art?

The 2018 Compassion Art was created by one of our favorite hand-letterers, Caren Kreger of Everyday Hooray.

Desktop Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Drag it to a folder on your desktop, right-click the image, and set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Mobile Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Save it to your camera roll, set it as your lock screen, and keep Compassion front of mind while you are on the move.


Download the 2017 Compassion art as a desktop and mobile wallpaper!

Desktop Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Drag it to a folder on your desktop, right-click the image, and set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Mobile Wallpaper

Click the image below for a full resolution version. Save it to your camera roll, set it as your lock screen, and keep Compassion front of mind while you are on the move.

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Living with intention is an ongoing practice, not a destination. Inspired by this, we’ve created a range of products to help you on your journey to live both fully and mindfully, including the Holstee Membership, Reflection Cards, and our recently-launched



This article is part of our series on the theme of Compassion.

EXPLORE Compassion →

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