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December Founder's Note

December Founder's Note

We’ve made it! 2016 has been a whirlwind of a year, but here we are. Moments of flourishing, moments of freaking out, the unfortunate times of sadness and a few much-needed moments in between of peace and quiet joy. But most importantly, we’ve made it and in return it made us - each event shaping who we are today. And so before the memories of the last 365 days blend into the the hundreds and thousands of other days that preceded them, let’s take a moment to reflect on how we got to who we’ve become today.

Every December at Holstee, we focus our attention on the theme of Reflection. Like many of the monthly mindful themes we focus on - they are important and not urgent. The fires we need to put out on a daily basis in our work and personal lives understandably consume a large part of our day-to-day experiences. With our remaining time, we are lucky if we have the energy to connect with our friends and loved ones in meaningful ways. In the quiet moments, we are stuck battling the flood of notifications from the glowing screens in our pockets, from Facebook to the 5 o’clock news. The demands on our time and attention feel infinite. But when we do make time to reflect, we are able to ground ourselves in the values that matter most to us.

This year we invite you to join us for a few moments of reflection. Here is a digital version of our Reflection Guide.  We hope you find it valuable as you look back on 2016.

If you prefer a printed version along with a piece of inspiration towards reflection, you can pick up our Reflection Kit. If you sign up for a subscription before December 20th (and respond to this email letting us know!) we will include this Reflection Kit as gift from us. Signing up before December 20th will also ensure you get January’s Intention Kit, which picks up right where the Reflection Guide leaves off.

The journey continues: 2017, here we come!

Dave and Mike
Co-founders, Holstee
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