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Don’t wash the dishes...

Don’t wash the dishes...

Over the weekend I visited an intentional living community that was hosting a craft festival.

Above the kitchen sink, there was a handwritten sign that caught my attention. It said: "Don't wash the dish because it is dirty. Don't wash the dish because someone told you to. Wash the dish because you love the person that will use it next."

I love that. I love it because I know what it feels like to do something from a place of love rather than obligation. It causes a ripple effect of positive energy, one that starts by liberating the person making the action. When I do something from a place of love, my mind isn't keeping score. It's not calculating the return on investment. I’m operating from a place of abundance and joy. 

Whether it’s a complete stranger or if you are the one using the dish next — washing it shows your respect and appreciation for those that come after.

Of course it's not just about dishes. It’s about our relationship with ourselves, our neighbors and our planet.

Like with the dish, we shouldn't leave this planet better than we found it because someone told us to — but rather because we love our kids, our kids’ kids and the countless creatures who will depend on the planet long after we are gone.

Do it because of love, and you will love doing it. Even the dishes :-)

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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