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These days, I am finding myself wrapped up in the news — devastating tragedies, one after another.

My mind is filled with questions. Why would someone do this? How could it be possible? Why does it keep happening? What can be done now? The questions don’t seem to end.

I recently reached a point at which I was so filled with despair, I couldn’t focus on anything. It was a combination of frustration, sadness, and anger that I have felt all too frequently in the past few months.

I shared these feelings with my Holstee teammate Jennifer the other day, and she confessed that she was feeling the same way.

Later, she shared this Tweet from Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, which he originally shared in 2014:

If you feel like you are drowning, know that you are not alone.

Try to take a step back from the headlines, choose an effort you want to support, and do what you can with what you have.

Sending peace and love to you and your loved ones around the world,

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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