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Every day, new Holstee members introduce themselves in our Community Forum. These introductory posts are gems, with new members offering a glimpse into their lives, stories and questions — reminding us of how widespread this community is and the shared values that bring us together.

Through a recent introduction, I became reacquainted with the notion of “homeward” — one of those words that perfectly capture an experience, like sonder and arete. Here’s the exchange from the forum, where Philippe, a new member from Australia, first shared the word in their introduction:

Philippe: I have been encouraged by this idea of “homeward,” where alongside others we co-create home for each other. That’s my interest and passion — as well as surfing.

Katie: Can you please expand a bit on the concept of homeward? I'm very curious.

Philippe: Dear Katie ...Homeward is a movement of people who accompany one another on the lifelong journey home. Homeward people believe that when our stories intersect, we are being invited to better understand and co-create life-giving experiences of home.

Phillippe goes on to define “home” as “A state of being completely known and loved which empowers one to risk vulnerability and empathy. It is a space of safety and flourishing that one can venture from and return to…” 

Philippe’s understanding of homeward, and unique definition of home, resonated with me because it is precisely the type of communal journey we are striving for at Holstee. It is a sentiment we try to embody in each Member Gathering.

Each of us has an opportunity to be a catalyst of such a “homeward” movement for those we cross paths with in our lives.

How do you define home? Join the conversation in our Community Forum.

To our journey home, together,

Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee &

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