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In The Studio With Maia "Meech" Boakye

In The Studio With Maia "Meech" Boakye

Each month, we are privileged to work with artists from all over the world. Their unique styles and points of view make for an especially diverse sense of inspiration in the art that arrives in our monthly Holstee Membership. From Los Angeles, California to Barcelona, Spain and everywhere in between, each piece of art is a true collector's piece.

This month’s Passion Art art is by Maia “Meech” Boakye, an artist and illustrator interested in creating art around a post-internetworld, often juxtaposing the mundane and the absurd.

Maia “Meech” Boakye artist and illustrator

For a little more about what inspired this artwork, process, and their life, here's a short Q&A:

Where is home for you?

Currently Toronto, Canada.

What is your definition of a successful life?

One where I have loved and been loved as much as I could have.

Maia “Meech” Boakye Artist and Illustrator

Describe your perfect day.

Taking a really long walk in the sun with some sort of camera.

How did you get into design?

Mostly out of boredom. I learned how to use illustrator holed up in my dorm room one winter and haven’t stopped drawing since.

Where do you find inspiration?

Pinterest, Instagram, various forums and e-commerce sites, YouTube. Sometimes I’ll go on walks and find inspiration in something as simple as the lines on the road.

Maia “Meech” Boakye Artist and Illustrator

Which designers or thinkers influence/inspire you?

If I could dwindle it down to a list of illustrators, Love is Wise, Abbey Lossing, Sara Andreasson, Amber Vittoria, Anna Kovecses, Xoana Herrera, Juli Majer, and Kendra Yee are at the top of my head.

What was the inspiration behind this design?

When I think about passion, it’s hard not to think about love and dreams. I drew this illustration depicting the dreams I’m most excited for, the ones I can’t yet imagine.

At the moment, what is your favorite …

Color: I’m between a light peachy pink and a sea foam green.

Food: Fresh pita with red pepper hummus.

Song: Juice by Lizzo

Quote: “...the world is composed exactly by and only by surfaces on top of surfaces.” -Domenico De Chirico


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