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Leaning into uncertainty.

Leaning into uncertainty.

“Times of great uncertainty serve as wake-up calls in our lives, inviting us to lean into whatever is awoken, curious and compassionate about what wants to emerge.

We deepen trust as we explore moments we may have never imagined, with perspectives we never expected to hold.

This is the birthplace of compassion, creativity, action, and transformation.”

These wise words from our friends at struck a chord with me.

The uncertainty, the loss, and the everyday challenges we are experiencing right now can shake our foundation. They can cause us to question our understanding of the world and our place in it.

But the uncertainty around this pandemic can be re-tooled into an inquiry — a deep dive exploration into all aspects of our lives. If we lean into this reflection process and the daunting questions that come with it, this period might even be the start of a profound transformation.

My question for you today is:

How has the pandemic changed your perspective? What values and priorities will you have coming out of this experience that you didn't have before?

Journal your response, privately and for free, at

Wishing you clarity and perspective through reflection,

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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