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Making space for growth.

Making space for growth.

I was sitting on my balcony one recent morning, enjoying a cup of tea, when I looked over at our jasmine plant and realized that it hadn't yet flowered this season.

The leaves had been reddish brown since the winter, but they hadn't fallen. I don’t have much of a green thumb, but something felt off. So last week I decided to prune the plant, carefully removing all the non-green leaves.

The next day I came outside and there were already a dozen new sprouting leaves. The day after that, I glimpsed a handful of teeny-tiny flower buds.

This whole time I was waiting for the jasmine plant to flower, I was wondering what more it needed — more fertilizer, more water, or perhaps more sun. Turns out, the only thing holding it back from growing was its past self.

It made me wonder — how much of our growth relies on first trimming what no longer serves us?

What do we need to release so that we can flourish in the next season?

What if we were to prune all the preconceived notions of who we are?

All the regrets of the past and the anxieties about the future.

All the outside influences telling us who we should be.

The pride, the ego, the baggage — snipping and letting these things fall away.

What new season of life can we step into after we make space for our own growth?

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

P.S. Making space is something we explore every May with our members, diving into the art and science of Simplicity through our monthly kit, digital guide, curated resources, and now also with our online gatherings!

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