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Q&A with Daniel Neuman

Q&A with Daniel Neuman

This month’s art is by Nebraskan designer, Daniel Neuman. Daniel has a passion for creating hand lettering and illustration that tells a story. His inspiration behind this piece was "to create a scene inside a polaroid picture. Technology today is amazing and we have the ability to capture everything we do in unique ways. Nothing compares to the human experience though. Adventure is meant to be lived in the moment.”

For a little more about Daniel, here's a short Q&A! 

Where is home for you?

Physically home for me is in Lincoln, Nebraska. I feel the most at home though when I am traveling and exploring somewhere completely new.

What is your definition of a successful life?

Success for me is loving others. It’s the moments in life that can’t be bought with any amount of money. It’s living life to the fullest no matter what the circumstances are.

Describe your perfect day.

A perfect day for me would simply be adventuring somewhere new without any plans or obligations. Getting lost in the moment without being distracted by technology or the daily stresses of life.

How did you get into design?

I started drawing trees when I was about 5 years old and won an award for one I drew when I was 8. I have always loved drawing trees and outdoor scenes since I was a kid. When I got into high school I started to create posters and merch designs for a band I was in as well as other local bands. This sparked an interest in pursuing design as a career. Digital art class was offered during my senior year in high school and I stuck with design ever since. I went to college for graphic design and slowly started picking up freelance jobs here and there. My first job out of college was working as a designer at a screen printing shop. Currently, I work full time as the art director at a design agency called 877. I freelance on the side which has turned into another full-time job as well. I’ve been blessed to work with clients from all over the world and can’t wait to see where this career takes me.


Where do you find inspiration?

 Inspiration is everywhere if you just open your eyes. I’ve been trying to be intentional about slowing down to recognize the inspiration I have in front of me every day. It could be a sign I see on a building or the colors on a tree. There are opportunities in every minute of the day if you allow yourself to see them.

What's your dream design project?

I’d love to design a mural for Patagonia or an outdoor/adventure brand like that.

Which designers or thinkers influence/inspire you?

I love being inspired by the designers and photographers I follow on Instagram. A few that come to mind are Noel Shiveley, Taylor Penton, David Rollyn Powell, Christian Watson, Abe Kislevitz, Kyle Fredrickson, Stefan Kunz, Dan Lee, Matt Carlson, Eric Nyffeler, Nick Frederickson, Eva Winters, Joshua Minnich, Michael Moodie, Maggie Ward, Andrew Lennon, Josefine Svärd. I could honestly go on and on, I love all of these designers and photographers so much!

What was the inspiration behind this design?

Adventure is about exploring something new from a different perspective. The idea was to create a scene inside a polaroid picture. I wanted the design to break the frame in a way that made it feel as if the moment was coming to life. So often now we don’t live in the moment and soak up the experiences we are in. We are too busy snapping photos and adding Instagram filters that we forget to be present where we are. You can’t go to a single national park without seeing hundreds of people with cameras taking pictures around every corner. Technology today is amazing and we have the ability to capture everything we do in unique ways. Nothing compares to the human experience though. Adventure is meant to be lived in the moment.

At the moment, what is your favorite…

Color: Brick Red

Food: Indian

Song:  “I Don’t Wanna Go” by Chris Renzema

Quote: “Good design is obvious, great design is invisible.” -Joe Sparano (one of my favorite teachers in college)

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