This month we welcome back California-based illustrator Daren Thomas Magee.  In regards to Intention, Daren says, "I rarely intend to do much of anything. I think my intuition plays a large role in what I do. If I think about it too much, I get in my head, and nothing gets done." 

Daren Thomas Magee

For a little more about Daren, here's a short Q&A! 

Where is home for you?

Ojai, California.

What is your definition of a successful life?

 A clear mind.

Describe your perfect day.

A long run. A hot coffee. A few hours creating. Quality time with family. 

How did you get into design?

I was fed up with boring, unfulfilling 9 to 5’s so I started putting all my energy into creating until it turned into a job without the 9 to 5!

Where do you find inspiration?

All around me. It's hard not to be inspired by existence.

What's your dream design project?

A billboard!

Which designers or thinkers influence/inspire you?

Terrence McKenna and his willingness to explore the depths of his conscience has been an inspiration to me for a long time.

What was the inspiration behind this design?

Present is the most important thing in order to have a happy life. There is no past or future. There is only now. 

At the moment, what is your favorite…

Color: beige

Food: oatmeal

Song:  ‘Apana’ - East Forest

Quote: “You don't look out there for God, something in the sky, you look in you.” -Alan Watts

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Living with intention is an ongoing practice, not a destination. Inspired by this, we’ve created a range of products to help you on your journey to live both fully and mindfully, including the Holstee Membership, Reflection Cards, and our recently-launched



This article is part of our series on the theme of Intention.

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