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Q&A with Jonathan Calugi

Q&A with Jonathan Calugi

This month we partner with Italy-based illustrator Jonathan Calugi.  Jonathan is an independent, self-taught, artist whose message is about love, "Use your time to love your time. Enjoy and spread love."  His Compassion inspired art centers on our human connection. "Colors, body, language, shape…We are just a series of points united with a line in this universe.”

For a little more about Jonathan, here's a short Q&A! 

Where is home for you?

Pistoia, Italy.

What is your definition of a successful life?

Use your time to have your time. Be happy.


Describe your perfect day.

Wake up early. Play with my son. Go to the studio. Make some drawings. Go out and play basketball with friends. Lunch with my girl. Afternoon in the studio (half work, half research). Back to home for dinner with family, some good wine and a lot of laughter. :)

How did you get into design?

It’s more how design got into my life :) I think it was totally an instant love. Design teaches me how to do more with less.

Where do you find inspiration?

Life, nature, sea, and books.

What's your dream design project?

The next one. My dream is to produce more and more for all the days of my life.

Which designers or thinkers influence/inspire you?

Paul Rand, Pablo Picasso, Marino Marini, Pino Tovaglia, and many, many more.

What was the inspiration behind this design?

Like much of my art, the idea is to stay connected. We are one.


In what ways does the theme of Compassion play out in your life?

The main idea is that where my line finishes your line starts. A loop without an end.

At the moment, what is your favorite…

Color: Yellow

Food: Avocado

Song: Paid in Full, Eric B. & Rakim 

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