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Q&A with Kate O’Hara

Q&A with Kate O’Hara

This month we partner with Nevada-based illustrator Kate O’Hara.  Kate creates intricate botanical illustrations, inspired by the flora and fauna that surrounds us.

On this month's theme, Kate says, "To me, adventure means always striving for new experiences and growth. Choosing to contend with the urge to do what’s comfortable and in order to evolve."

For a little more about Kate, here's a short Q&A! 

Where is home for you?

The biggest little city, Reno, Nevada

What is your definition of a successful life?

To be comfortable and healthy, connected and loved, and to have a creative passion that I’m engaging with, whether it’s art or that evolves into something else.

Holstee Adventure Kit

Describe your perfect day.

A day where I get into the flow on a project I’m enjoying working on, then take my dog for a long walk in sunny weather and go on a bike ride to a brewery with my boyfriend and friends.

How did you get into design?

I was a very shy and artistic kid, drawing was the way I could get noticed, accepted and connect with people. I ended up going to art school for college and discovered that illustration was a possible career path. I started freelancing when I graduated from school and have been doing that ever since.


Where do you find inspiration?

I find most of my inspiration in nature, whenever I’m outside I’m always on the hunt for interesting leaves, patterns, and small botanical details that I can add to my art.

What's your dream design project?

I love packaging design, my dream project would be to illustrate a whole line of some sort of botanical product like tea, or spices. I’d also love to have the time to design an entire tarot card deck.


Which designers or thinkers influence/inspire you?

There’s so many amazing artists that I follow on social media that keep me inspired everyday. I also always go back to the work of greats like John James Audubon, William Morris, Beatrix Potter, Hokusai and Maria Sibylla Merian.

What was the inspiration behind this design?

The quote Onwards Ever Upwards was the inspiration for this design–to make an uplifting design representing always moving forwards intentionally.


In what ways does the theme of Adventure play out in your life?

I love to travel, especially to new places where there’s a sense of the unexpected. I’m currently getting into backpacking and working my way up to a multi week backpacking trip with my sister and my dog Ned.

At the moment, what is your favorite…

Color: Yellow Ochre

Food: Mangos

Song: Can I Believe You, Fleet Foxes

Quote: “If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint it.” –Georgia O’Keeffe

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