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Q&A with Victoria Ng

This month’s art is by Berlin, Germany based illustrator, Victoria Ng. She loves tackling challenges that can have a positive impact on people’s lives. With her bold and playful designs, Victoria aims to invite people into her personal world and make space for others to reflect and be seen.
She says her Integrity art "is about realizing that when we free ourselves from being defined, we open ourselves up to a field of endless potentials. A sentence 'I am' with no endings. A story only left to one's imagination."

For a little more about Victoria, here's a short Q&A.

Where is home for you?

Home is my mind. Home is coming back to my mind after a day worth of noise. Sitting in silence surrounded by nature - I feel most at peace. And strangely, it's my little safe haven.

What is your definition of a successful life?

My definition of success is to have fun. To be able to find joy and opportunities to play even on the rainiest days. I truly feel like we have this choice in life. We can’t choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond to it and the meaning we give it. I really believe in that and because of that I actually feel like I'm already living a successful life…I don't think there is anything or anywhere I would rather be than this moment I am in right now.



Describe your perfect day.

Hmm... A perfect day is to never have two days the same? Haha! It’s hard for me to describe because I love to do so many things. This is why I get bored really easily. Some things I do almost everyday are waking up around 5:30am and spending my entire morning reading, writing, reflecting, meditating and just listening to calm music. This is quite important for me because I'm naturally an anxious person with high energy and so a calm morning helps me ease into my day. I love being in nature near the water, on the mountains or up in the clouds. I find being surrounded by nature helps me organize my thoughts and clear my mind. It reminds me that what we need already exists and all the fears and doubts we carry don't actually matter.

How did you get into design?

Ahh this is a tricky question! I feel like design/art found me and I’m forever grateful for it. Without my ability to imagine and create, I don’t know if I would manage to push through all the challenges life has thrown at me. Growing up, it has always been my form of escape, but also my way of showing appreciation to my loved ones such as making celebratory cards.

When I was younger I wanted to become a psychologist but because reading and writing wasn’t my strong-suit, I thought advertisement could be a way in: a sweet combination of understanding human behavior and design. However, I quickly realized I didn’t enjoy designing to sell and manipulate but instead wanted to design to improve people’s lives. This was really important to me as a designer. And so, product design fit like a glove.

Where do you find inspiration?

Like most other creatives, I get my inspiration from traveling, being in nature and learning new topics. But one thing I love doing is daydreaming. Walking aimlessly in new cities, no destination and purposely getting lost. I find when I disengage from the present world it allows my mind to wander, imagining and exploring the possibilities. So, a lot of my ideas come from the shower, long train rides and very often the most inconvenient times, haha!

What's your dream design project?

Oh wow! There are so many design projects I want to be part of… I would love to start my own wellness stationery business. I want to build a community around mental health and help as many young adolescents as I possibly can. I would love to paint a mural showcasing the importance of mental wellness and I want to use my creativity and skills to work with brands that are constantly striving to make the world a better place. More so recently, I have been considering going back to university to study and become an art therapist. For me, my dream is to help as many people as I possibly can, even if it means just showing up for them and holding space for them to feel seen.

Which designers or thinkers influence/inspire you?

Thinkers: Brene Brown, Bell Hooks, Eckhart Tolle, Maya Angelou, Simone Beauvoir

Artists/Designers: Barbara Kruger, Jenny Holzer, Shantell Martin, Jessica Walsh, Mr. Doodle, Wes Anderson, Adam J. Kurtz

From a very young age, my role model has always been Mother Teresa.

What was the inspiration behind this design?

As early as I can remember, my sense of identity was lost. I didn't know who I was and felt like a walking failure. I wasn’t good enough and craved to be more or to be someone else. It wasn’t until I read the book ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle that I came across the two words ‘I Am’. The significance behind these two basic words brings more wisdom than any education one is fortunate to have. I was so surprised and the book inspired the words in this design.

In what ways does the theme of integrity play out in your life?

Listening to my heart. Deeply listening to my heart and asking myself: Does this align with my principle? Am I living up to my own standards and values? Is it a hell yes? If it's not, then it's a no.


At the moment, what is your favorite…

Color: African Violet, Olive Green, Watermelon Pink, Golden Yellow

Food: Acai Bowl

Song: The Power Is Here Now - Alexia Chellun


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