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Stay the course.

Stay the course.

I was recently looking through some past Holstee artwork and came across our Stay The Course Print.

Reading the caption on the back was just the Monday morning inspiration I needed.

Perhaps it will resonate with you today too...

Trying obstacles and turbulent waters will come up for all of us, but how we react to them is what matters most.

A small ship in a large, endless ocean seems insignificant, but braving the waves not only allows the ship to sail on, it alters the entire ocean.

Our individual effort may feel trivial, but the rippling effect we each make on the world is immeasurable.

Approach life’s greatest challenges with your fullest conviction and keep moving forward.

Stay the course,

Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

P.S. We only have 14 pieces of this letterpress 5x7 print left. If these words and design resonate with you, pick one up for just $10.

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