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We get to do this.

We get to do this.

A few weeks ago, I shared the news that my wife and I were expecting a baby any day now. Well, that day has arrived and I am happy to share that our family is now three.

Shilo Bez Radparvar was born on July 12th at 9pm at a birthing center here in Amsterdam.

We are filled with awe, wonder, gratitude, and of course, a bit of exhaustion as we adapt to his sleep schedule :-).

One of my wife's mantras during the more challenging parts of her pregnancy was, “I get to do this”.

It was a simple idea she picked up from author James Clear — rephrasing “I have to to do this” to “I get to do this” as a reminder of all there was to be grateful for.

During these first few weeks of middle-of-the-night diaper changes, “I get to do this” has become a mantra for me as well.

I don’t have to change his diaper, I get to. A reminder that every moment with Shilo, even the stinkiest ones, are moments I wouldn't trade for anything. 

Filled with love and likely covered in poop,

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

P.S. Here is a photo of Shilo:


And here is my favorite video clip — it's one minute of him stretching and yawning after he woke up the other day. It’s minutes like these that energize me for the rest of the day :-)

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