To date, we’ve written over 150 Reflections as part of this email series.

As much as I love the opportunity to share and discuss these topics, I still find it daunting every time I sit down to write one. What to say? Where to begin?

To help, I have these words of wisdom from writer Anne Lamott written in large letters across the top of my writing screen:

Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life, and it is the main obstacle between you and a shitty first draft.”

This quote reminds me that I need to start somewhere — and that somewhere is likely a “shitty first draft”, as Lamott so perfectly puts it.

As we explore the theme of Creativity this month, I am reminded of the importance of simply starting in order to get over a creative block.

We need to recognize our resistance to the challenge and the discomfort that comes from trying something new and knowing that we might fail.

Creativity requires us to face this fear of failure... and do it anyway.

Because if we don’t start, we’ll never finish.

To just starting somewhere,

Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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Living with intention is an ongoing practice, not a destination. Inspired by this, we’ve created a range of products to help you on your journey to live both fully and mindfully, including the Holstee Membership, Reflection Cards, and our recently-launched



This article is part of our series on the theme of Creativity.

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