“Practicing gratitude means recognizing the good that is already yours.

If you’ve lost your job, but you still have your family and health, you have something to be grateful for.

If you can’t move around except in a wheelchair but your mind is as sharp as ever, you have something to be grateful for.

If you’ve broken a string on your violin, and you still have three more, you have something to be grateful for.”

- Alan Morinis, founder of the Mussar Institute

I came across this passage after friend and divinity scholar Casper ter Kuile (who you may remember from the Care of Souls Reflections post) recently shared Mussar, a movement within Judaism focused on the importance of developing as an individual.

It is a powerful reminder, and one that closely parallels the wisdom of Br. Steindl–Rast from one of our all-time favorite TED Talks.

Alan goes on to share a quote from Pirkei Avot that really hit it home for me:

“Who is rich? Those who rejoice in their own lot.”

My interpretation: It doesn’t matter how much you have, if you can’t find the joy in what you have, you will never feel rich. Conversely, gratitude may not bring you more money or ‘nice’ things, but it just may make you rich.

So with that, check out Holstee’s Guide to Getting Rich… aka, this month’s Gratitude Guide :-P

Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

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This article is part of our series on the theme of Gratitude.

EXPLORE Gratitude →

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