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Finding creative inspiration. (Part I)

Finding creative inspiration. (Part I)

This is part of a three-part series, view; Part I, Part II, Part III.

Responding to our recent “Ask Us Anything” email, Gretchen asked us where we find our creative inspiration.

I love this question and there are a few things that immediately come to mind. But I’ll break it down over a few emails so that each idea has its own time and space.

I want to start with this TED Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert.

In the video, Elizabeth talks about an old and rather mystical idea, dating back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, of a “genius” that comes to us and creates through us. This genius is unpredictable, and it may or may not come to us. But we improve our chances of experiencing it just by showing up.

I know in the case of the Holstee Manifesto, that is exactly what it felt like. The words of the Manifesto came right out as soon as we sat down with our pen and paper. It was literally as if the words were on the tips of our tongues and we happened to be there at the perfect moment to capture them. To write them down.

Something deep inside tells me that if we didn’t show up, those words could have just as easily been captured by the hands of someone, anyone else.

In tomorrow’s email, we will dive into this idea of showing up and what often gets in the way.

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

P.S. We share this video and other thought-provoking links in our Curated Resources for Creativity. Get access by becoming a Holstee Member →

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