“What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you were grateful for today?”
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I came across this question recently and love how powerful a thought exercise it is.
I started thinking about all the minutia in my life that I take for granted. The list snowballed to include items large and small that I rarely consider.
Socks, spices, fruits, hot water, water at all, a warm place to sit, a safe place to call home, people I care about, people that care about me… and I am only a few seconds of thought in.
Then I imagined that I woke up tomorrow and all the things I didn’t express gratitude for were gone.
Shoes, all clothes (except my socks), vegetables, nearly my entire kitchen, my bed, the people I have yet to meet, the people I forgot to thank, everything, everyone... all gone.
If I really wanted to keep the things I value, then following the rules of this thought exercise, I would need to spend all day, every day, being grateful!
Then again, I guess there are worse ways to spend my days. ☺️
Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee
In November, we'll explore the theme of Gratitude through our Holstee Membership. Become a member to explore this and 11 other themes →
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