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Dude, you don’t even need a wetsuit.

Dude, you don’t even need a wetsuit.

Stop over analyzing. Life is simple.
— The Holstee Manifesto

I’ve wanted to try surfing ever since moving to Ventura, California. Last summer, I decided it was time to give it a go.

I started by researching wetsuits and learned everything I could about the different options. I asked for recommendations from friends and anyone I met who surfed. Every person had a different suggestion, each with a compelling reason.

Within a month, I went into a dozen surf shops, read the backstories of countless wetsuit brands and ordered and returned multiple wetsuits (none of which ever made it to the ocean).

By mid-August, I was no closer to getting in the water. The guy at my local surf shop must have sensed my indecisiveness after my 7th visit. He said to me, “Dude, you don’t even need a wetsuit. The water is so warm right now – just jump in.”

Facepalm. I had spent so much time trying to figure out the perfect wetsuit that I had lost track of what I really wanted to do. It was a great reminder that sometimes the solution to a problem is far more simple than we allow it to be.

I went straight to Mondos, the local beginner beach, and paddled out for the first time. Though I didn’t get to ride a wave, it was perfect.

This month’s Simplicity Kit is kinda like that guy in the surf shop — a simple yet powerful reminder to focus on what matters most.

Keep it simple,

Mike Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

P.S. In California, you do need a full wetsuit for the cooler months. I finally landed on a Vissla wetsuit and am happy with it — but more than anything I am happy that I finally paddled out!

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