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How much more do you need?

How much more do you need?

With this month’s theme of Simplicity, we are focused on determining what’s essential — and eliminating all the rest.

Before we can know what is essential, though, we need to identify what we need to feel comfortable.

Our consumption-driven world constantly tells us we need more.

More money, more clients, more clothes…

The challenge is, if we don’t know what we’re striving for, we’ll never be content with what we have.

Challenge yourself to write down what would be enough for you. For example, if constantly striving for more money is a challenge, ask yourself:

At what salary would I be comfortable (regardless of what my peers earn)?

At what number of clients or amount of revenue would I feel comfortable turning down a project?

At what level of savings would I feel comfortable taking time off?

Take an inventory of other parts of your life where you're striving for more and reflect on what would be enough. Write it down and return to it when you are feeling that endless pull for more.

Because if you don’t know where you are going, you will never know when you arrive.

Who knows, you may find you are already there.

Simply yours,

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

Members: Check out this month’s Simplicity Guide and Curated Resources for suggestions on simplifying everything from your finances to your tech.

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